# devtools::install_github("sj-io/memphis311")
An R package for getting memphis311
Memphis code enforcement data is available in the Service Requests since 2016 dataset from Memphis Data Hub. The memphis311
package was created as a simple way to access the dataset.
You can install the package from github and access it like so:
The package currently contains one function, get_311()
. There are no default parameters; you can specify a variable for any column in the dataset.
If you do not specify any columns, the package will call for a csv file containing all rows. Note that this will take a long time, as the dataset has over 2 million rows.
<- get_311(
service_requests department = "code enforcement",
creation_date = "2024-03-09",
request_type = "CE-Substandard,Derelict Struc"
::glimpse(service_requests) dplyr
Rows: 20
Columns: 30
$ division <chr> "Public Works", "Public Works", "Public Works", "P…
$ group_name <chr> "MEMPHIS", "MEMPHIS", "MEMPHIS", "MEMPHIS", "MEMPH…
$ category <chr> "Inspection-Structures", "Inspection-Structures", …
$ ce_category <chr> "VIOLATION (S)", NA, "VIOLATION (S)", "VIOLATION (…
$ request_type <chr> "CE-Substandard,Derelict Struc", "CE-Substandard,D…
$ incident_type_id <chr> "10409", "10409", "10409", "10409", "10409", "1040…
$ incident_number <chr> "50016200", "50016209", "50016210", "50016211", "5…
$ incident_id <chr> "50016200", "50016209", "50016210", "50016211", "5…
$ resolution_code <chr> "JW-RH", NA, "JW-DM", "JW-RH", "CVOID", "JW-RH", "…
$ resolution_summary <chr> NA, NA, "PROPERTY WILL BE WRITTEN UP FOR CONDEMNAT…
$ summary_1 <chr> "Not Applicable", "Not Applicable", "Not Applicabl…
$ request_status <chr> "In Progress", "Open", "In Progress", "In Progress…
$ request_priority <chr> "Low", "Low", "Low", "Low", "Low", "Low", "Low", "…
$ creation_date <chr> "2024-03-09T07:27:09.000", "2024-03-09T08:02:04.00…
$ reported_date <chr> "2024-03-09T07:25:00.000", "2024-03-09T08:00:00.00…
$ last_update_date <chr> "2024-03-09T08:42:43.000", "2024-03-09T08:03:13.00…
$ followup_date <chr> "2024-05-01T11:00:00.000", "2024-03-23T11:00:00.00…
$ sr_creation_channel <chr> "WEB", "WEB", "WEB", "WEB", "WEB", "WEB", "WEB", "…
$ created_by_user <chr> "Sa_GISIdentitystore", "Sa_GISIdentitystore", "Sa_…
$ last_updated_by <chr> "Esri_Anonymous", "Esri_Anonymous", "Esri_Anonymou…
$ parcel_id <chr> "047008 00010", "048022 00040", "048020 00017",…
$ full_address <chr> "2155 GOFF AVE", "1596 WILSON ST", "1488 SOUTH AVE…
$ location_1 <chr> "2155 GOFF AVE", "1596 WILSON ST", "1488 SOUTH AVE…
$ address1 <chr> "2155 GOFF AVE", "1596 WILSON ST", "1488 SOUTH AVE…
$ state <chr> "Tennessee", "Tennessee", "Tennessee", "Tennessee"…
$ postal_code <chr> "38114", "38106", "38106", "38106", "38106", "3811…
$ target_block <chr> "116", "117", "117", "117", "117", "116", "12", "1…
$ location1 <df[,2]> <data.frame[20 x 2]>
Important notes
Any of the columns in the dataset can be selected, but only basic queries are available right now. This means you can call a specific value for a variable (department = "code enforcement"
), including a specific date.
For more complex queries, I recommend using the RSocrata
package. This package is meant to be a simple way to access Memphis’s code enforcement data.
The main benefits of this package are:
- The Memphis 311 API url is included in the package.
- All date columns in the dataset are shortened to YYYY-MM-DD format, so you don’t need to include times.
- Text columns will make case-insensitive matches, so it will return requests where
is “CODE ENFORCEMENT” or “Code Enforcement”. - Columns are sorted into a more logical order than alphabetical. Locations and times are grouped together so more relevant data can quickly be found.
In the future I hope to add more flexibility for querying (especially dates), and helpers for tidying the dataset to find relevant information for housing research.